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Name of Course Clinical Pathology Certificate Course (C.P.C.C.)
Eligibility Anyone can join this course.
Total Fee
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Rs 64900/- Rs 7490/- Including Taxes
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Course Fee includes Exam Fee, Certificate Fee, Lifetime Access Fee, and Taxes. (No Hidden Cost)

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Course Language Videos are in Hindi Language. (English Subtitles coming soon)
Advantages of this course
Understand Medical Reports: Learn to read and interpret pathology reports on your own, making it easier to understand your health.

Comprehensive Knowledge: Gain insights into a wide range of tests, including urine, kidney function, lipid profiles, and diabetes screenings.

Diagnose Health Conditions: Understand the significance and implications of various diagnostic tests for accurate health condition diagnosis.

Practical Skills: Acquire practical skills to interpret test results confidently, helping you make informed health decisions.

Convenient Learning: Study at your own pace with our flexible online course structure, designed to fit into your busy schedule.

Boost Job Prospects: Enhance your resume with practical skills in pathology report analysis, making you a valuable candidate in the healthcare industry.

Don't miss out on mastering the essential skills to read and interpret pathology reports, and elevate your healthcare knowledge and career prospects today!

This foundational diagnosis course serves as a solid basis for other courses offered within our institution.

Course Explaination Video & Students' Feedback

This online course provides a comprehensive understanding of various diagnostic tests used in clinical pathology. Therefore, you can learn how to read pathology reports by yourself. From urine and kidney function tests to lipid profiles and diabetes screenings, participants will gain insights into the significance, interpretation, and implications of these tests in diagnosing various health conditions.

Chapter 1: Introduction Overview of Medical Tests

Introduction to various medical tests and their importance.
Chapter 2: Urine Test Evaluation of Urine Composition

An in-depth examination of urine components and relevant tests.

Physical Examination: Assessment of various physical properties of urine, including:
A. Volume
B. Specific Gravity
C. Appearance
D. Colour
E. Odour
F. Deposit
G. Foam
H. Reaction (pH)
Understanding their significance in diagnosing urinary tract conditions.

Chemical Examination: Analysis of urine composition for specific substances, including:
A. Proteins
B. Sugars
C. Ketone Bodies
D. Bilirubin and Bile Salts
E. Nitrites
Identifying abnormal levels indicative of certain medical conditions.

Microscopic Examination: Detailed examination of urine sediment for:
A. Casts
B. Crystals
C. Amorphous Substances
D. Microorganisms
E. Pus Cells
F. Mucus
G. Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
H. Epithelial Cells
Identifying abnormalities such as infections, inflammation, or kidney disorders.
Chapter 3: Kidney Function Test Understanding Kidney Function and Evaluation

A thorough examination of kidney function and relevant tests.

Function of the Kidney: Overview of the kidneys' role in the body's filtration and waste removal processes.

Symptoms of Kidney Problems: Recognizing signs indicative of kidney issues and their implications.

Serum Creatinine Test: Examination of creatinine levels in the blood as a marker of kidney function.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Test: Assessment of urea nitrogen levels in the blood for kidney health evaluation.

Uric Acid: Examination of uric acid levels in the blood and its relevance to kidney function and health.

Electrolytes: Evaluation of electrolyte levels in the blood, including:
a) Sodium
b) Potassium
c) Chloride
Understanding their balance and significance in kidney function.

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) Test: Assessment of kidney function based on the rate at which blood is filtered by the glomeruli.

i) Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease: Understanding the progressive stages of kidney disease:
Stage 1 to 5

ii) Acute Kidney Failure (Renal Failure): Examination of sudden kidney function loss, its causes, and management.
Chapter 4: Liver Function Test Evaluation of Liver Function

An examination of liver function parameters and relevant tests.

Bilirubin (Indirect, Direct, and Total): Assessment of bilirubin levels in different forms to evaluate liver health.

Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Test: Evaluation of GGT levels as a marker of liver injury or disease.

SGPT/ALT Test: Examination of ALT enzyme levels in the blood to assess liver function and health.

SGOT/AST Test: Analysis of AST enzyme levels in the blood, indicating liver damage or disease.

Total Protein Test: Assessment of total protein levels in the blood, including albumin and globulin.

Albumin Blood Test: Measurement of albumin levels in the blood, reflecting liver and kidney function.

Globulin Blood Test: Examination of globulin levels in the blood, which can indicate liver or kidney disease.

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP): Analysis of ALP levels in the blood, associated with liver and bone disorders.
Chapter 5: Thyroid Test Evaluating Thyroid Function

An examination of thyroid function tests and relevant parameters.

Types of Tests: Different tests used to assess thyroid function, including:
  • TSH Hormone Test
  • T3 and T4 Levels Test

Understanding their significance in diagnosing thyroid disorders.

TSH Hormone: Examination of Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels in the blood, reflecting thyroid function.

T3 and T4 Levels: Analysis of Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) hormone levels in the blood, indicating thyroid activity.
Chapter 6: Lipid Profile Test Assessment of Lipid Levels

An examination of lipid profile tests and associated parameters.

Lipid Panel: A comprehensive test measuring various lipids in the blood, including:
  • Total Cholesterol
  • Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol
  • High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides

Understanding their significance in assessing cardiovascular health.

Cholesterol Tests: Different tests used to evaluate cholesterol levels, such as:
  • Cholesterol Total Test
Identifying abnormalities and assessing heart disease risk.

Normal Results: Interpretation of lipid profile results indicating normal cholesterol levels.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol: Recognizing signs and symptoms associated with high cholesterol levels.
Chapter 7: Hemoglobin Test Evaluation of Hemoglobin Levels

An examination of hemoglobin levels and associated symptoms.

Hemoglobin Levels: Measurement of hemoglobin levels in the blood, assessing oxygen-carrying capacity.

Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin: Recognizing signs indicative of low hemoglobin levels, including:
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Pale Skin
Understanding their implications and potential causes.

Symptoms of High Hemoglobin: Identifying signs associated with high hemoglobin levels, such as:
  • Bluish or Reddish Skin Discoloration
  • Itchiness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Confusion
Understanding their significance and potential health risks.
Chapter 8: Diabetes Test Testing for Diabetes

An examination of diabetes tests and related parameters.

Common Types of Tests: Different tests used to diagnose diabetes, including:
  • HbA1C Test
  • Fasting Blood Sugar Test
  • Random Blood Sugar Test
  • Glucose Tolerance Test
Understanding their purpose and diagnostic criteria.

Symptoms of Diabetes: Recognizing signs indicative of diabetes, such as:
  • Increased Thirst
  • Frequent Urination
  • Extreme Hunger
  • Unexplained Weight Loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred Vision
  • Slow Healing Sores
  • Frequent Infections
Identifying potential warning signs and seeking medical attention.

HbA1C Test: Examination of Hemoglobin A1C levels in the blood, reflecting average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months.
Understanding its role in long-term glucose management and diabetes diagnosis.
Chapter 9: TLC and DLC Test Understanding Leukocyte Count

An examination of total and differential leukocyte counts.

Part A: Total Leukocyte Count (TLC)

What are Leukocytes (WBC)? Exploring the role of white blood cells (WBC) in the immune system.

Two Methods for Counting Leukocytes: Understanding different techniques for leukocyte counting.

Total Leukocyte Count (TLC): Evaluation of total WBC count in a blood sample.

Purpose of a Total Leukocyte Count Test: Understanding the clinical significance of TLC in diagnosing infections and immune disorders.

Causes of High and Low TLC: Identifying factors leading to abnormal TLC levels, including:
  • Leukocytosis
  • Leukopenia
Understanding their implications and potential underlying conditions.

Factors Leading to Leukocytosis: Recognizing conditions associated with elevated WBC count.

Symptoms of Leukocytosis: Identifying signs indicative of increased WBC count.

Factors Leading to Leukopenia: Understanding conditions causing decreased WBC count.

Symptoms of Leukopenia: Recognizing signs indicative of decreased WBC count.

Part B: Differential Leukocyte Count (DLC)

Types of Leukocytes: Differentiating between granulocytes and agranulocytes, including:
  • Neutrophils
  • Eosinophils
  • Basophils
  • Lymphocytes
  • Monocytes
Understanding their roles in immune response and infection.

Normal Values of Leukocytes: Establishing standard ranges for leukocyte counts in a healthy individual.

What Happens When DLC is High? Exploring the implications of elevated differential leukocyte count.
Chapter 10: Conclusion and End of Course Guidance Summary and Course Completion

Recap of the course content and final guidance.
Note: All videos are in the Hindi language. (English subtitles will be available soon)

Disclaimer:- The video course will be shared only with one account which can't be changed or transferred.

Frequently Asked Questions
1) When will I receive the course videos?

As you will enroll into the course after sucessful fees payment, you will receive all the academic videos of this course automatically from our website to your email.

2) What's the duration of this course?

All of our online courses comes with LIFETIME ACCESS to the academic course videos, therefore, you can complete these at your convenience. Once you complete watching all the academic videos thoroughly, you can email or call us to start your certification process.

3) When and how will I get my certificate?

Certificates from Sambhav are highly recognized and prestigious that's why we take it very seriously to maintain the decorum of our institution. Once you have watched all the academic videos thoroughly, you can email ( or call us to start your certification process. We will share the online link to the unique question paper with you which you'll have to take and submit to get the certification. We will review the answers and issue the e-certificate. If you fail you can try again.

4) How sooner can I apply for certification?

It totally depends on how fast you complete the online course. Whenever you are ready to appear for the test, just send us an email so that we can start your process.

5) What will be asked in the test?

Don't worry, it will be an easy and straight forward test, in which you will be asked few questions related to the syllabus only. Nothing will be asked outside the video syllabus.

6) Are these videos of Dr. Richa Varshney?

Yes, all videos are of Dr. Richa Varshney only.

7) What is value added course?

Value added course means that these courses are additional courses that students can join if they want to enhance their knowledge in the subject discussed in the course. The one who will do all the courses, will have the ultimate knowledge of this therapy and would be a rightful therapist who can cure the root-cause vs surface level problem.

8) Can I do Internship from your hospital?

Yes, you can apply for the internship, if we have an opening, we will invite you for an interview.

9) Can I get a job after the completion of course?

You can apply for jobs in various Pathology Center, Naturopathy Hospital, Physiotherapy Centres, Massage Therapy Centres, etc. Average salary for a massage therapist in India is almost Rs 6,00,000 per Year according to Talent(dot)com

10) Can I join any pathology center after completion of the course?

Yes, you can apply for such jobs after completing the full course, passing the exam, and gaining knowledge in the types of pathology tests and how to interpret them.

11) Can I talk to someone at your institution?

Absolutely, we have courses councellor and they can contact you. You will have to fill an online form --> (Click here to fill the call back form)

12) What this course will teach and what's the benefit of doing it?

This online course by Dr. Richa Varshney is designed to empower individuals with the knowledge to read and interpret pathology reports. Understanding these reports can significantly benefit a common man in several ways. Firstly, it allows you to interpret your medical reports with confidence, removing the mystery and anxiety often associated with medical tests. This understanding helps in recognizing early signs and symptoms of various health conditions, enabling timely medical intervention. By being informed, you can make better decisions about your health and treatments, ensuring that you take appropriate actions when needed. Moreover, this knowledge allows you to communicate more effectively with healthcare professionals, asking the right questions and understanding their recommendations. Overall, this course equips you with the tools to take an active role in your health management, leading to better health outcomes and a proactive approach to your healthcare.

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